What is the difference between American Made Furniture vs Imported Furniture?
When purchasing that new leather sofa or recliner it is important to consider where the furniture piece is made, especially when it comes to upholstered goods.
America is the industry leader when it comes to producing high quality leather and fabric upholstery goods, and to date, no other county has come close to producing the quality and comfort of American Made Furnishings.
So why is American Made better than Imported?
For one, American Companies are operated at a much higher standard and craftsman's are vigorously trained to perfect their trade. Overseas Companies from China, Vieteman, Indosnian, ETC... are primarily driven by low wage workers and child labor in poor working conditions, which results in sub-par craftsmanship and cut corners.
Wet Wood is often used in Imported Furniture goods, especially in upholstered goods where the splitting and warping of wood is concealed under foam and materials. Wet wood is often used because overseas companies are designed to produce a very high volume of goods and there isn't time to let the wood properly dry out before use. This will drastically reduce the lifespan of the upholstered piece and quickly lead to the rapid break down of the cushioning and frame. American Made Companies use kiln dried hardwoods.
Imported Upholstery is designed to be produced as cheap as possible. The leathers used are of the lowest quality and are tanned at an extremely rapid rate to keep up with the high volume production rate. The foam cushioning used lacks the density and durability of American Made Foam Companies.
Imported Furniture Companies do not use an 8-way hand tied spring suspension system in their products. The 8-way hand tied method drastically increases the life span of the seat cushions and provides maximum comfort.
Learn more about the construction of American Made Furniture